Example - HubSpot

Here is how you would integrate RAIA with Hubspot. The integration sends leads to RAIA from Hubspot to be contacted and then once the conversation is over - RAIA sends the summary, score and conversation back to Hubspot Contact.

Sending a new Contact to RAIA to start a Conversation

Step 1: Create a new Zap where the Trigger is Hubspot and the Action will be a Webhook (which we will point to the RAIA API endpoint at https://raiabot.com/api/newConversation.cfm)

Step 2: Login to your Hubspot and create a Test Contact (use your email and phone so you can receive the test messages from RAIA)

Step 3: After adding the Zap New Contact in Hubspot as your trigger, you can click Run Test and you will see your test contact. Select this contact to continue testing by clicking Continue with selected request.

Step 4: Now we will create the action. Search for Webhook and select Webhooks by Zapier.

You will select the POST option. This means we will be posting the new contact information from Hubspot to RAIA endpoint.

Step 5: Login to your RAIA Account and grab your API KEY for the Assistant (Agent) you will be using and also you will need to generate a SECRET KEY for this Agent.

Step 6: When you click on Generate Secret Key on the API Page, you will see the page below. Click Generate Secret Key for the Agent you will be using.

Step 7: Once you have the APIKEY and SECRETKEY this will allow you to authorize Zapier to send information to the RAIA API Endpoint - https://raiabot.com/api/newConversation.cfm

Remember to include the required fields:

Step 8: Once you setup the data you want to pass to the API - you can run test, and if successful you will get a Success message.

Sending Conversation back to HubSpot Contact

If you would like to push Conversations back into the Notes under the Contact, you can create another ZAP that uses our Webhooks to push conversations to Zapier, and then Zapier will update your Hubspot.

Step 1: Create a Zap and use the Webhooks by Zapier as the Trigger.

Step 2: Choose "Catch Hook" which will provide a unique URL for us to add to the RAIA Admin as the webhook to receive our conversations.

Step 3: Copy and Paste the URL that Zapier provides you. We will now add this under the Webhooks section in Integration in RAIA Admin.

Step 4: Login to RAIA Admin and go to Integration > Webhooks and add a new Webhook for the Agent we are integrating with Hubspot.

Step 5: Paste the URL you copied from Zapier and choose the right Agent.

Step 6: Once you Save you will see the Webhook available. Now, click SEND TEST to send a test to Zapier so we can complete the setup and have test data to send back to Hubspot.

Step 7: Go back to Zapier and grab the Test Data.

Step 8. Now we can setup the Action. Connect to your Hubspot Account and choose "Create Engagement" to add a note to the contact.

Step 9: You can setup to pass any variable from the webhook back to your note. We typically include the Score, Summary, Name, Email, Phone, Channel and the RAW Conversation.

Step 10. One you hit test, you will see the conversation added as a note. If for some reason the Test Webhook data you received doesn't have an email that exists in your Hubspot you can "hard code" the email in the Zap for the test, and then change it back to the dynamic Email from the webhook.

Last updated